Schlagwort-Archive: partnership

Happiness in Your Relationships and Systemic Family Constellation Work: Live a fulfilling partner relationship with love and respect

Use this supportive book to learn:
How to free yourself to have a fulfilling relationship
How to overcome unhealthy entanglements, patterns and blockages in your partnership
How to activate the resources for your love
How to grow together in a relationship using family constellation knowledge
How to create a mindful and respectful relationship
How to nourish your soul with love
This book is for those wishing to achieve happiness in a love partnership. It is aimed at systemic family constellation clients and facilitators. Although it doesn’t replace active participation in a systemic family constellation, it does help you to prepare for one. The examples of constellation sessions include exercises you can do at home. Learn from others who have succeeded through systemic family constellations to nourish their love partnerships so they will flow, grow and thrive.

Format: KINDLE-Edition, PRINT

Author: Marc Baco